"All people ever see is Marilyn Monroe. As soon as they realize I'm not her, they run." -Marilyn Monroe, My week with Marilyn.
I was watching one of my favorite movies the other day, 'My week with Marilyn' , and this quote just stopped me and made me try and count how many people I actually really really deeply know. Or even the other way around, how many people really know me.

Is this what we are? Are all 'happy' people actually just wearing a mask? Are there truly happy people? If everybody seems like Marilyn Monroe, perfection outside, but inside there is the insecure, unhappy and scared Norma Jean Mortenson.
Are even the 'Christians' in this world actually true? Are they all shiny outside with their holiness, but inside maybe they are not as shimmering and innocent as they come out as?
This brings me to another question, do we have room in this world to be unhappy and confused? Is it ok not to be ok? Does the world turn it's back when you tell 'hey I'm lost an confused.'? Do we openheartedly help those who are off track?
What happens when the mask is dropped?