Welcome to my fairytale life
Tomorrow is the day, Tanzania, Boom, dreams do come true.
I might call this a travel diary of some sort.
Why I'm going to Tanzania? Well, It's been always a dream of mine to go and help in Africa somehow. And babies are something I've always loved.
So I found out through a friend about an baby orphanage in Tanzania, called The Cradle Of Love. And then it was the big boom for me, that was the place I knew would be THE place for me to be.
In December after not thinking too much, I quite spontaneously bought tickets to Kilimanjaro airport. You know that feeling when you feel like you did the right thing? Well that was how I felt. Such peace and sureness of making the right decision.
How I feel now is that I have never been so nervous and intimidated about any trip that I've done so far in my life, and I tell you I've done alot of traveling! Ok first of all, I'm going there by my self, and I do not know anyone there in advance. But then again, that will hopefully encourage me to get out of my finnish comfort zone and get to know the locals there.

Now everything is packed and ready to go for the greatest adventure of my life so far, thank you for choosing Adventures Of Little Fanni, WELCOME ABOARD!

Ihanan kuuloisia suunnitelmia sulla. Turvallista ja antoisaa matkaa! Kuinka pitkä reissu sulla on tiedossa?
VastaaPoistaOn puolentoista kuukauden pituinen reissu tiedossa. Alku saattaa olla kovakin koti-ikävä mutta loppuaika hujahtaa ihan tuosta vaan. Jos vanhat merkit paikkansa pitää :)
PoistaTuskin sinä olet kovin suomalaisuuden sitoma, mutta rohkeasti vain. :) Herra on kanssasi. Ja sinua kannattelevat iankaikkiset käsivarret ja monen monet rukoukset.